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Contraindications for a Lash Lift include but are not limited to:

Contact lenses – ensure removal before procedure 

Eye Infections/Disorders

Recent eye surgery

Allergy to product - You have had a history of previous allergic reactions to lash lifting. 

Ultra-Sensitive Skin - Not suitable for treatment

Hay fever sufferers - Not suitable for treatment as you won't be able to rub your eyes for 24/48 hours. If your eyes are irritated they may be prone to watering - this will hinder the process & I won't be able to perform the lash lift

Watery eyes - Not suitable for treatment as the watery eyes will hinder the process and can cause the product to go in your eyes

Unable to tolerate people working closely with your eyes - A lash lift requires me to work very closely with your eyes. If you have a tendency to not like people going near or touching your eyelids then you may not be suitable for treatment

Conjunctivitis - Not suitable for treatment

Your eyes are inflamed, have a stye or are infected -  Your eye area needs to be completely healthy for any treatments to be safely applied. 

Using prescribed medicated eye drops- Not suitable for treatment

Some medications - You are on hormonal medication. For example roaccutane, thyroid medication. These types of medications make it hard to predict how effective the lash lifting solution will be. It isn't recommend during this period to avoid disappointment

Recent Laser Eye surgery -  In the previous six weeks. Within this period, your eyes are still in the healing process, and any additional eye treatment can cause irritation.

Claustrophobia - You will be required to close your eyes for around 45 minutes




Contraindications for a Brow Lamination, Hybrid Dye & Sculpt include but are not limited to:


Using any Vitamin A or Hydrocortisone products (Retinol / E45) – Do not use for 3 days either side of the treatment.

​Psoriasis/Eczema – Not suitable for treatment if in the treatment area

Alopecia -Not suitable for treatment

Moles in the treatment area – Not suitable for treatment.

Recent Permanent Make up (Permanent make-up, Microblading, Tattoo, etc Must wait 4-6 weeks after 2nd procedure.

Sunburn on or around the brow area - Not suitable for treatment

Ultra-Sensitive Skin - Not suitable for treatment

Medications: Blood thinning, antibiotics (Must wait 2 weeks)

Eyelift – Must wait 4 to 6 months after the operation and a letter from GP stating you are suitable for treatment must be obtained

No self-tanning products should be used on the face for one week prior to treatment.

Cuts/abrasions/inflammation/swelling in or around the brow area

Herpes simplex/eye infections/ folliculitis – Not suitable for treatment whilst infected

Roaccutane (within the last 12 months)

Excessive Allergies – Not suitable for treatment

Recent scar tissue – Not suitable for treatment




After Care

Both procedures requires very little maintenance & is perfect for anyone that doesn't have time for regular upkeep. However, there is a little extra care required over the first 24-48 hours.


Lash Lift Aftercare


- Be very gentle with your lashes. No rubbing or itching. Sleeping on your back is best if you are a face or side sleeper.

- Do not get your lashes wet for the first 24 hours. Swimming should also be avoided during this time.

- Allow 24 hours before applying any type of product to your lashes. After 24 hours, you may apply regular mascara, eyeliner, eyeshadow, or any type of makeup products you desire; it will not affect the lashes. However, NO WATERPROOF MASCARAS.

- Do not use any oils, lotions, creams, shampoos, face washes, makeup remover wipes or pads on your lashes for a minimum of 24 hours.

- NO heat, steam (including cooking over the stovetop) or sauna use for a minimum of 24 hours. Use of steam/saunas is possible after but may weaken the effect of your lash lift.

- No other facial beauty treatments for 24 hours.



Brow Lamination & Hybrid Dye Aftercare


​- Keep brows dry for 24 hours

- Do not apply make-up or undertake further eye treatments for at least 24 hours after your treatment.

- Avoid swimming/sauna/working out for 24-48 hours. Any excess moisture after this time can cause a slight curl/frizz to the brow hair.

- Do not allow prolonged exposure to direct sunlight or heat.

- Do not apply Retin-A, AHA or exfoliate around the brow area for 72 hours either side of the treatment.

- No self-tanning products should be used on the face for one week prior and 48 hours after treatment.

- In the morning your Laminated brows will require styling by brushing and setting in place.



Should any irritation or reaction occur - please get in contact with Lateisha & seek medical advice where needed


Bacchus Marsh, Merrimu 3340


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